Letter asking for more information.

English Translation

        From:  Victor Hugo Salas Miranda <vsalas33@hotmail.com>  
          To:  Juan Carlos Olano Calixtro <juan-carlos@olano-calixtro.com>
     Subject:  More Information
        Date:  Mon, 02 Jun 2003 14:42:40 +0000  

     I have read an article that was published in a magazine of
     the newspaper La Republica.  I am interested in obtaining more
     information on JHAI.  I work in one of the poorest cities of
     my country, Peru, in a province of the Department of Puno.
     The system of Internet that is proposed is very important to
     me personally because my city has an Information Technology
     Development Center.  We can only imagine this system in other
     towns where their is no electricity nor Internet.

     Please, I waiting for additional information you can send me.

     At your service.
     Lic Victor Hugo Salas Mirand
     DNI 10436826

Original Text in Spanish.

         De:  Victor Hugo Salas Miranda <vsalas33@hotmail.com>  
       Para:  Juan Carlos Olano Calixtro <juan-carlos@olano-calixtro.com>
     Asunto:  Mas datos  
      Fecha:  Mon, 02 Jun 2003 14:42:40 +0000  
     SeƱor Olano: 

     He leido un articulo que se ha publicado en una revista del
     diario La Republica y me intresa obtener mayores datos sobre
     el tema de JHAI, yo trabajo en una provincia del Departamento
     de Puno una de las ciudades mas pobres de mi pais Peru, ese
     sistema de Internet que se propone es muy importante a mi
     partuclarmente me intresa porque tengo en la ciudad un centro
     de Capacitacion en Informatica, imaginese ese sistema en otros
     pueblos donde no hay luz ni internet...

     Por favor espero recibir su informacion adicional

     Lic Victor Hugo Salas Mirand
     DNI 10436826